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Turn-key Solution
As the most characteristic turn-key solution provider of interior and exterior decoration in Chinesebuilding decorationindustry,Jinggong Decoration persistently focuses on consultation, design, R&D, construction and operation management of green andintelligent buildings. It has achieved remarkable accomplishments in the fields of fabricated construction, BIM application practices,industry park construction as well as establishment and improvement of greenbuilding evaluation system.
Building Decoration
Jinggong Decoration has a rigorous organizational structure, advanced management concepts and management systems,as well as excellent management and service teams with topThe sharp design level creates the enterprise personality, the high quality service spirit to rely on the top design level, the pure and delicate construction technology intimate regulationFan's service has won the respect of the industry and the majority of customers.
Interior Design
In interior design, Jinggong decoration has the design concept of "specialized in industry, skilled in technology, and beautifulin shape", with advanced design ideasReasonable budget quotation, excellent construction technology, high quality servicesincere for each customer tailor-made new eleganceComfortable home life, cultural space.
Building Curtain Wall
亚博装饰用智慧、技能与真诚打造精品,把用户的愿望变为美好的现实。信誉第一、质量第一是亚博装饰永远遵循的宗旨。尊重传统、推崇时尚、锐意创新是亚博 经久不变的理念。
Crystal Palace decoration with wisdom, skills and sincerity to create fine products, users 'wishes into a beautiful reality.Reputation first, quality firstIt is the purpose that Jinggong decoration always follows. Respect for tradition, fashion, innovation is our long-term concept
In engineering practice, Jinggong Decoration emphasizes the use of high-tech means, accurately grasps the concept of Chenzhan, and uses the leading technology to use modern consciousness andThe combination of traditional cultural spirit and continuous creation of distinctive and unique boutique projects, for the national cultural and cultural systemsof museumsThe memorial hall and exhibition hall provide high quality service.
Electromechanical Intelligence
Crystal Palace decoration has been continuously exploring, innovating and practicing, and has continuously achieved theoptimization and upgrading of industrial structure, from OEM productionTo power plant design, installation, construction,operation and other system services and supporting facilities production development.
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